The Malignant National

Caring about one's land and the governing systems of the land you are rightfully a part of is essential. It is crucial to resist threats from armies and bullies by fighting back. However, nationalism often deviates from this ideal; it is typically the least national, adopting foreign-imported ideologies repackaged as national ideas. Its function is not to benefit the citizens but to divide and control people by hijacking their emotional systems. Nationalism implants reflexes and a metaphorical police force in people's minds to regulate their thoughts, preventing them from questioning the idols and symbols they have been indoctrinated to worship mindlessly. Nationalism disrespects one’s culture by being built on the fantasies of adolescents struggling with their identity and the realization that the fantastical stories they believed in are not real. This realization leads to a stunted development, where the inability to accept the failings of their culture fosters a generation of adults clinging to a glorified past, despite its irrelevance and detriment to society. They distance themselves from reality, blaming imaginary enemies rather than facing painful truths.
The national reflex activates in a group mindset during national tragedies (whether real or manufactured) or when national beliefs and histories are questioned. This reflex shuts down logical thinking, pushing individuals into survival mode to protect their beliefs and attack or dismiss those who challenge them. It manifests when someone questions the significance of a founding father, points out shared cultural heritage with neighboring countries, or challenges the perceived connection to a city never visited. It is also evident when individuals exaggerate their culture abroad to feel more significant due to alienation and an inability to find a place for themselves...
Of course, this is not the end; it is not the only one.